
Installing MyBanco with XAMPP on Windows

  1. Download xampp-win32-1.7.0.exe from the Apache Friends website
  2. Run xampp-win32-1.7.0.exe, and set the ‘Extract Path’ to C:\
    ( It’s OK, all the files will go inside a directory called ‘xampp’ )
  3. When the extracting has finished, go into C:\xampp\, and rename htdocs to htdocs.old
  4. Create a new directory called ‘htdocs’
  5. Copy all of the extracted files from ‘mybanco-x.yy’ into C:\xampp\htdocs
  6. In ‘C:\xampp’, run the file ‘xampp-control.exe’.
  7. On the window that comes up, ensure that the ‘Apache’ (web server) and ‘MySQL’ (database) ‘Svc’ checkboxes are ticked.
  8. Open C:\xampp\apache\bin\php.ini with your favorite text editor
  9. Make sure the “;” character is removed from the following lines:
    • ;extension=php_curl.dll
    • ;extension=php_bz2.dll
    • ;extension=eaccelerator.dll
      This is only needed if the performance of MyBanco is not as desired. This can boost
      the speed of the application by almost three times. It is a real speed boost.
  10. Ensure that all the “magic_” lines are set to off (for example, magic_gpg….)
  11. Save the file and click Start on both of the above mentioned boxes (Apache and MySQL).
  12. If Apache fails to start, try commenting out all of the eAccelerator lines again with “;”‘s, I say this because the xampp version I had came with a eAccelerator version not for the build of PHP included with xampp.
  13. Now that xampp has started Apache and MySQL, goto and click on the ‘Privilleges’ tab on the right top hand side of phpMyAdmin
  14. Click on ‘Add a new User’ and enter the following information:
    • Username: myinfo
    • Host: (choose Local’ from the drop down box)
    • Password: myinfo123
  15. On the ‘Database for user’ group, press ‘Create database with same name and grant all privileges’
  16. Now goto ‘
  17. Click next, press ‘I accept’ on the AGPL license (note: this means that you must share all code changes with anyone who can access the website, so if you change some code in MyBanco or any code that connects directly to MyBanco (ie, a MyBanco plugin) you must share that code with all people who can access the site. Even if all they see is the login page. This is so all people can benefit from other peoples changes to what is the most comprehensive open source bank operations software.
  18. Fix any errors that may occure on the next screen. Please note that this may mean more changes to the php.ini file.
  19. For the first three fields that you see on the next page, fill in the username and password that you created in phpMyAdmin. For the MyInfo backend location, enter ‘’. Please note that this location should be changed for more secure environments. I say this, however, but no operations can be performed through the backend without first logging in.
  20. The install should go without any glitches. If it all goes OK, the bank software is installed!
  21. Now you can goto and see MyBanco working.
    A default account has been created called ‘tim’. Login with it, as ‘tim’ as the username, and ‘login’ as the password.

Quite a quick and easy install. Should take only around 25-30 minutes to complete. (Hell, it only took me twenty-thirty minutes to write!)

– Tim

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